Tuesday 28 June 2011

End Of An Era.

AS usual, aT thE enD of thE seasn=)(, i´M goiN tO tipE this myself without thE help oF my wipe elsIE.

iT waS with grea&t badness thaT wE bouGht on stale foR thE last tymE mr. alaN bod aS elviS%. alaN haS bean with uS four 5 yearS, an Di caN honesTLty saY with nO fear of contracEption that hE haS bEEn a boY tO woRk wIth.

I welL remeMber thE fusT time ye performed hiS elvIS show i seD tO ouR concert seCRetary wilF thAt i thort that wE haD discoVereD a jaM “•””@

A reaL fro anD a nicE maM aS weLL , mY wYfe meT hiM anD shE said he Was micE aS weLL** - hE myte bE nicE buT he´S noboDYs tOOl. hE used tO like a drink bef ore a ShoW buT this menT hE goT shIT – facED

with this problEM wEE deciDED tO stoP hIm drinking AnD hE didnT lykE it buTT agrEED thAT iT waS foUR thE breAST. aS a splaTTer oF faCT he´S nevEr soundED sO gOOdy ^^```*

I wOOd jusT likE tOO takE theSE oPPortOOnitY tO tanK hiM oN behaLF thE cuB anD aLL thE chiMps oN thE cOMMiTTee ha PENIS foR thE fooTure.

regaRDS -THe conceRT chair mAN ¿?$$

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