Tuesday, 28 June 2011

End Of An Era.

AS usual, aT thE enD of thE seasn=)(, i´M goiN tO tipE this myself without thE help oF my wipe elsIE.

iT waS with grea&t badness thaT wE bouGht on stale foR thE last tymE mr. alaN bod aS elviS%. alaN haS bean with uS four 5 yearS, an Di caN honesTLty saY with nO fear of contracEption that hE haS bEEn a boY tO woRk wIth.

I welL remeMber thE fusT time ye performed hiS elvIS show i seD tO ouR concert seCRetary wilF thAt i thort that wE haD discoVereD a jaM “•””@

A reaL fro anD a nicE maM aS weLL , mY wYfe meT hiM anD shE said he Was micE aS weLL** - hE myte bE nicE buT he´S noboDYs tOOl. hE used tO like a drink bef ore a ShoW buT this menT hE goT shIT – facED

with this problEM wEE deciDED tO stoP hIm drinking AnD hE didnT lykE it buTT agrEED thAT iT waS foUR thE breAST. aS a splaTTer oF faCT he´S nevEr soundED sO gOOdy ^^```*

I wOOd jusT likE tOO takE theSE oPPortOOnitY tO tanK hiM oN behaLF thE cuB anD aLL thE chiMps oN thE cOMMiTTee ha PENIS foR thE fooTure.

regaRDS -THe conceRT chair mAN ¿?$$

Friday, 10 June 2011

Elsie´s feet playin her up again.

Bit o bother at home today, Elsie bit her own foot. She fell asleep in the awning with her mouth open and her teeth fell into her slipper, and when she put her foot into it they clamped shut on her big toe, so she´s had to have a tetanus injection.- Anyway, -I´ve had to make me own tea.

I am now pleased to announce that my first ever DVD is now on sale, called “The Concert Chairman Presents” it once and for all puts an end to the rumours that me and my nephew Kevin Holt are one of the same person, as we appear on stage together at the same time. To see the preview of it click on this bugger -
