Sunday, 15 November 2009

Fiestas Fancy Dress Party

Thank you to all those who turned up to our fancy dress party on thursday - it was a good do. Unfortunately my wife Elsie who had got dressed up as hedgehog did not make it to the club as she was run over. This came off the back of an unfortunate argument we had on Remembrance Day when I borrowed some money off her to buy a poppy. - But I'm skint - lest we forget!
I got myself dressed up as Ed Stewart and my rendition of "Do ya think I'm sexy" was the talk of the tap room. To see the film of this on "boob tube" click this --
Thanks to Nigel who came as steward Peter Wyngarde and Yvonne (Tina Turner I think) who once again put the time in To ensure that a good time was had by all (except Elsie).
A letter has been forwarded to the council Concerning the dog mess in the street.